Topic outline

  • Introduction to core concepts and methodologies: A Pedagogy of listening, Pedagogical documentation, and Project-work

    Description of the content and form of the seminar:

    The seminar consists of short introductions to the three core concepts and methodologies a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation, and project-work. The seminar is divided into three parts and each part ends with discussion points, where participants in partner-specific breakout-rooms collectively discuss these in their local contexts and teams. The seminar was held on the 24th of January 2022 at 17.00 – 20.00 CET. Video of the seminar is available below:



    The purpose of this seminar is to introduce educators and researchers to the main concepts and practices of a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation, and project-work.


    Learning outcomes:

    After attending the seminar participants can:

    o             identify the conditions needed for being able to listen to children and youth,

    o             distinguish between a goal-oriented and a process-oriented approach in education,

    o             conceptualise pedagogical documentation with a focus on children’s and youth’s individual and collective meaning-making,

    o             account for project-work performed together with children and/or youth,

    o             relate the three methodologies to each other in a coherent way.



    Giudici, C., Rinaldi, C. &Krechevsky, M. (2001) Making learning visible – Children as individual and group learners, Harvard Project Zero & Reggio Children: Reggio Emilia.

    Olsson, L.M. (2013) Taking children’s questions seriously - the need for creative thought. Global Studies of Childhood 4 (2).

    • A conversation on the three core-methodologies: A Pedagogy of listening, Pedagogical documentation, and Project-work

      Description of the content and form of the seminar:

      This seminar consists of a pre-recorded conversation between Swedish educators and researchers on the three core-methodologies a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation, and project-work. Watch and listen to the conversation here: XXXX. Discuss how the issues that come up in the conversation may relate to your own local context, departing from the following discussion-points:


      - What does it mean to listen to children and youth of all ages and how may this be done in your local context and case study?

      - How may pedagogical documentation be performed in order to respect the integrity of all children and youth and as a tool for better understanding children and youth in your local context and case study?

      - What does a project-oriented approach in education imply, and how may project-work become part of your local context and case-study?


      The purpose of this seminar is to give participants a rich material and many ideas from which to depart in the translation and adaptation of the three methodologies a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation, and project work in their own local contexts and case studies.


      Learning outcomes:

      After attending the seminar participants can:

      o             identify obstacles and opportunities for listening to children and youth in their own local context and case study,

      o             conceptualise how pedagogical documentation may be used for a better understanding of children and youth while respecting their integrity in the local context and case study,

      o             translate a project-oriented approach into the local context and case-study.



      Olsson, L.M. (2012) Eventicizing curriculum: Learning to read and write through becoming a citizen of the world. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing 28 (1).

      • A conversation on examples of project-work: The Vasa Ship; The Paper-room; The Shoe and The Meter

        Description of the content and form of the seminar:

        This seminar consists of a pre-recorded conversation on presentations of examples of project-work carried out in early childhood settings. The presentations are made and commented by Swedish educators and researchers and constitutes a material from which participants may discuss potential project work in their own local contexts and case-studies. Watch and listen to the conversation and the presentations here: XXXX. Discuss departing from the following discussion-points:


        - Which topics/questions/problems do the presented projects treat?

        - What seems to be the purpose of each project?

        - How is a meaningful context created in each project?

        - How are the projects initiated and sustained?

        - How is a pedagogy of listening and pedagogical documentation used throughout the project-process?

        - What could be possible topics/questions/problems for a project in your local context and case study?



        The purpose with this seminar is to give participants a variety of examples of project work and to incite and inspire participants to start formulating potential topics for their own project work in their local contexts and case-studies.


        Learning outcomes:

        After attending the seminar participants can:

        o             identify and initiate potential topics/questions/problems for project-work in their local contexts and case-studies,

        o             formulate a purpose for a project

        o             plan for the creation of meaningful contexts within which children and youth may conduct a project,

        o             plan for the use of a pedagogy of listening and pedagogical documentation throughout a project-process.



        Castagnetti, M. & Vecchi, V (eds.) (1997) Shoe and The Meter. Reggio Children: Reggio Emilia.

        Olsson, L.M., Dahlberg, G. and Theorell, E. (2015) Displacing identity – placing aesthetics: early childhood literacy in a globalized world, in R. Holmes and L. Jones (eds.) Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, Special Issue: Fabulous monsters: alternative discourses in early childhood education. DOI:org/10.1080/01596306.2015.1075711

        Ferholt, B., Nilsson, M., Jansson, A., & Alnervik, K. (2015). Creative Educational Practices: Play, Imagination and Exploratory Learning. In T. Hansson (ed.), Contemporary Approaches to Activity Theory: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Behavior, pp. 264-284. Hershey: IGI Global.

        • Live Q & A on core concepts and methodologies: A Pedagogy of listening, Pedagogical documentation, and Project-work

          Description of the content and form of the seminar:

          This seminar consists of a live Q & A for participants who have attended seminar IV, V and VI. Participants formulate in their local context and team questions about the three methodologies a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation, and project-work that they bring to the seminar. These questions will during the seminar be answered and discussed by Swedish researchers and educators with extensive experience of working with these methodologies. The Q & A is given on the 7th of February 2022 at 17.00 – 20.00 CET. Video of the session is available here: 



          The purpose of this seminar is to create a moment of exchange of knowledge and to give participants a chance to discuss and pose questions to experienced teachers and researchers on the three methodologies a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation, and project-work. The purpose is also to further enhance the translation and adaptation of these methodologies into each partner’s and third party’s local context and case study.


          Learning outcomes:

          After attending the seminar participants can:

          o             formulate and discuss questions of relevance to the three methodologies a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation, and project-work,

          o             translate and adapt the three methodologies a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation and project-work into their own contexts and case-studies,

          o             identify one’s own and the team’s need for further training in the three methodologies a pedagogy of listening, pedagogical documentation, and project-work.



          Cagliari, P., Castagnetti, M., Giudici, C., Rinaldi, C., Vecchi, V. and Moss, P. (2016) Loris Malaguzzi and the schools of Reggio Emilia – A selection of his writings and speeches, 1945 – 1993, London: Routledge.

          Rinaldi, C. (2006) In dialogue with Reggio Emilia – Listening, researching and learning, London: Routledge.

          Vecchi, V. (2010) Art and creativity in Reggio Emilia: Exploring the role and potentials of ateliers in early childhood education, London: Routledge